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Inspiration time

Meditation wil be on Saturday iteniery just need to de stress the current situation is clouding up the future. Listening to all the world events things are  bleak. No over reaction but need to see improvement. 
What is the antidote the lift to see light 
Joy progress. 
Individually I  guess team work everyone keeping spirits high. Social media can be helpful. My go plan device is good exercise.
Countryside trecking a wonderful therapy. 
Ofcourse inspiring friends social mixing reading fabulous stories. 
Walking through the gorgeous landscapes 
Is cool. Amazing nature close up forests wth the smells of old wood flesh undergrowth.
 Knowledge of plants is a big quiz species are abundant. Anyway looking out my window the sun is out. Walking boots on time for fresh air. As I said it phone rings a meet up tonight Saturday stuff. 
Im a optimist, glass half full all to play for. 
The future delivers in time so keep moving. 
Positive day's are coming. 


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