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Busy year

Cold January and February pass by. Spring in the air longer day's mild weather. But sluggish day's hoping Easter comes soon. Opening up more activities to do. Travelling to places for a change of scenery. 
A busy year ahead and my time table is getting full. 
Booked my vaccine at last. So cleaned my car, washed my clothes. Preparing for an exam. Looking for other ways to make money. 
Hoping things run smoothly this year. Above all a social life returns. 
End of March mild weather returns hoping for hotter weather. Blossoming trees everywhere stunning colours a picturesque scenery. 
Happy days so relieved time to live again. 
Just hope the rain is finally over never seen so much flooding. 
The good old hard ground has returned. Well, who knows some decent photos. Rivers still flowing strongly. Tranquil trees starting to leave with colours. 
Preparing for the weekend nothing serious planned. 


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