How exciting! You're editing a blog post about a yacht collection and seaside holidays. Here's some nautical knowledge to keep your spirits afloat:
1. **Oldest Yacht Club**: The Royal Cork Yacht Club in Ireland, founded in 1720, is recognized as the oldest yacht club in the world. That’s over three centuries of sailing heritage!
2. **Extravagant Yachts**: One of the most luxurious yachts in the world is the "History Supreme," which is said to be made of solid gold and platinum. The yacht is reportedly worth around $4.8 billion!
3. **Seaside Holidays**: Beach holidays became popular in the 18th century, particularly among British aristocrats. Places like Brighton and Blackpool flourished as popular seaside resort towns.
4. **Giant Sea Creatures**: In the seas, you might encounter giant creatures like the blue whale, the largest animal on Earth, which can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh as much as 200 tons. Just imagine seeing one during a seaside holiday!
5. **Antarctic Sailing**: Adventurous sailors sometimes head to Antarctic waters, facing harsh conditions to experience the stunning, icy landscapes and incredible wildlife. It's considered one of the most challenging and rewarding sailing destinations.
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