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Wednesday nearly Thursday

Finishing off my diy. Tried to go for my photography search as a nice day plenty of sun. Realized my doctors appointment at midday the bad cut had to get a dressing . So shall make a plan for tomorrow.  Need to have a meet up with friends for Christmas period infact might go for a holiday.  The turkey is meal looking good. Then suddenly its Easter again which I shall be puddling down the river. With the other peddlers fabulous ideas.  As it happens have tried to change my theme for the website not found one yet. Need a good all round navigation and readable on mobiles. The search goes on hopefully next two weeks.  Dear friends shall see you tomorrow.  Trying to publish this blog. 

Tuesday events

Autumn glorious autumn and I have to paint  my bedroom. The rollers had to be changed so much to do. The whole morning was walls, skirts or the boards. The smells are not pleasant . Still must move on, my stitches are being removed tomorrow so little pain maybe.  That is about lunch time I will be lying on the bench. Morning delights shall be finishing off the white gloss walls.  End of week the carpet has to be shampooed this hover I hire for  the weekend.  Very effective device used many tjmes before it cleans up quickly.  I have to say the rubbish I acquire will be dumbed cushions etc infact clothes will get sorted.  My afternoon could be chilling those stitches are not prefect. All related information will be available tomorrow. 

Starting the week

A glorious morning stunning sun. My routine quickly a fresh air walk. The painting is on the way in my room. Preparing the operation is my rollers are old the paint not sticking. I get the hang of it and think I  do this in three days what a relieve. The last thing is the week painting. Sorry, a technical problem app is stopped. Ok, everything back to normal. My typer just stopped no reaction. Excellent working.  So about to clear up the day's work, all furniture shifted back to the perfect place.  Hope my back has resilience the stuff is heavy. In past had a mishap or two real pain.  Tomorrow must buy paint and a new brush. 

Sunday joy

Not a bad day but endless cleaning out. Start painting this week and that will be white a glorious colourful room for decor. Did a little design in the past infact good software.  The thing is not a keen painter try to avoid the diy the trouble is money the daily charge a lot of money.  And if I just do two hours a day then all done in a week. Work on my social media . Photography work and exercise and so on. So I carry on with my exercise thats a long walk come back a glass of wine a pasta powl Gorgeous tomatoes bought today oh so delicious and movie.  Shall return tomorrow with all the updates. 

Saturday exercise

 Ok woke up every going fine. Then had my breakfast decided to clean up my room. Excellent clean up then looked at the white paint and what the hell I'll paint one wall great work for Saturday.  Time for lunch cheese sandwich and yoghurt. Good weather awesome get a walk, straight into the rain. Clothes are soaking carry on finally the car beautiful shelter. When I go outside the rain seems to appear.  Really tired can do with a hot drink closest place a supermarket. One thing to do buys food hot food. My Saturday night is quiet with a glass of wine maybe a movie totally happy in fact best nights. 

Autumn bliss

The beautiful landscape is endless with so stunning autumn colours my eyes are spoilt for choice. A walk is a picturesque scenery with impressive portraits to see.  My favourite is gold with orange a delightful memory to last to spring scenery. Inspiring work to Christmas chilling nights with a fun ending to the year. Just got back from a fabulous walk and so mild all day.  Weather looks good for the weekend must visit my favourite river scenery. Will update on this visit soon. My leg a bit sore recovering from a operation so restful night.  Car needs cleaning first thing in morning.  Looks a quite tonight covid problem's everywhere restaurant's limitations how long is this virus going on maybe not to long.

The Christmas spirit

My belief is to the festive time has many good sides that are family reunion catching up with great friends. Time to remember the year's events a talking point of view. Then to see the future year where and how planning from holidays more gathering time.  A career change on horizon or marriage taking place probably saving money or borrowing finance.  I may buy an odd thing this weekend anything to get it out of the way. The pudding is my best bit lashed with brandy cream.  The turkey must be covered plenty of bacon. Plenty of movies for the holiday. Use to go on abroad trips for sun and visit family. For travel, I will write another blog. My ambitions are seeing plenty every corner of the world.

Middle week

A gentle read. Hopefully, this situation with the virus will find a cure. The day to day stuff is not normal to stay away from crowds even shopping a risk. Maybe will have to live with it just another flu. Need to buy a canoe for exercise. Golf is expensive and time-consuming. Too precise when relaxing. Summer, I miss already, 6 months till decent temperatures.  Just love those dark cold nights great reading and plenty of movies.  My inspiration is to keep going for the weekend. Who knows December is possible. High hopes for the new year travelling is high on the list. Need the hot tropical weather waking up to the sun shining and a swim in the sea. Walking along the white beach smelling the sea breeze a light wind chasing the craps into the deep blue reef. looking forward to my morning breakfast tropical fruit drizzled with lime and a warm flaky croissant eggs benedict washed down with fresh juice. A reading morning in the cool shade looking out to the blue ocean. Paradise

Finding beauty

Dazzling image's  Hopefully will find Christmas picturesque picture. Weather is so warm. The autumn colours are stunning.  My walking is eye-opening in rich colours.  Try to get the water sky scenery all in one. Fresh sea walks are inspiring smells are Delightful.  Totally unbelievable mild weather makes the  Work great fun.  My evening is editing the captures but trying  To eat the evening meal. Shall try to input in an image to show the last 24hrs. My blog post is just starting will get content. 

Weekend plan .

 Dear friends  In such haste, I published my blog without the image. I think I can find a few images.  Really photogenic photo plenty of water scenery landscape etc.  So the weekend is here will have to see what itinerary is in place. My leg is injured on antibiotics feeling sick. Can't wait to feel some fresh air.  Weather looks grim surprise no sunshine.  First things first clean up the house. Then shower and access the plan for the day.  Sunday morning delights TV is repaired a relieving moment. My morning exercise is due but delayed breakfast first. Shopping quickly to find bandages for a knee injury in fact bad cut and hope to have a wonderful day in Suffolk countryside. 

Introduction blog

 Dear friends So much information on line. I hope to make some sense of this overload. Joined Pinterest two month ago. My subject is general chat with photography . My images are landscape scenery with quaint country villages . Autumn is a glorious colour period . Colour is depth it makes a ordinary image in a classic power shot.  My current situation is trekking through the muddy fields searching for the shot. Most are below par yet one or two look ok for edit and publish. Hopefully this Christmas there will be endless winter captions. All will be revealed in good time. Just to remind you this is my new first blog. I'm sending this to social media that is pinterest and others. Which reminds me the autumn period is also a food time as in hearty meals fine steaks rich sauces endless game birds. Maybe a wine or two.